انتشارات Pergamon Pr

The Meaning of Human Nutrition
Mina Marie Lamb, 1973
The Measurement of Air Flow
E. Ower, 1977
The Measurement of Mechanical Parameters in Machines
N. P. Rayevskii (Auth.), 1965
The Method of Mathematical Induction
I. S. Sominskii, 1961
The Method of Mathematical Induction (Popular Lectures in Mathematics)
I. S. Sominskii, 1961
The Method of Summary Representation for Numerical Solution of Problems of Mathematical Physics
G N et al. Polozhii, 1965
The Genesis of New Weapons. Decision Making for Military R & D
Franklin A. Long, 1980
The Genesis of the Classical Conditioned Response. International Series of Monographs in Experimental Psychology
Irene Martin, A.B. Levey, 1969
The Geography of Post-War France. A Social and Economic Approach
Hugh D. Clout, 1972
The Geography of Tropical African Development. A Study of Spatial Patterns of Economic Change Since Independence
A. M. O"Connor (Auth.), 1978
The Geological Evolution of Australia and New Zealand
D. A. Brown, K. S. W. Campbell, 1968
The Geological Evolution of the British Isles
T. R. Owen (Auth.), 1976
The Global 2000 Report to the President of the U.S.. Entering the 21st Century: The Technical Report
Gerald O. Barney (Auth.), 1980
The Growth of Parliamentary Scrutiny by Committee. A Symposium
Alfred Morris (Auth.), 1970
The Gun Merchants. Politics and Policies of the Major Arms Suppliers
Cindy Cannizzo (Eds.), 1980
The Handling of Chemical Data
P. D. Lark, B. R. Craven, 1968
The Historical Supernovae
David H. Clark, 1977
The History of Man-Powered Flight
D. A. Reay (Auth.), 1977
The Human Ig: G Subclasses. Molecular Analysis of Structure, Function and Regulation
Farouk Shakib (Eds.), 1990
The Human Quality
A. Peccei (Auth.), 1977
The Human Subject in the Psychological Laboratory
I. Silverman, 1977
The IEA Classroom Environment Study
L.W. Anderson, D.W. Ryan, 1989
The IEA Study of Mathematics III. Student Growth and Classroom Processes
Leigh Burstein, 1993