انتشارات Pergamon Press Ltd.

Operational Expert System Applications in Europe
Gian Piero Zarri, 1991
Introduction to Elementary Particle Theory
Yu. V. Novozhilov, 1975
Introduction to the Theory of Atomic Spectra
I.I. Sobel"man, G.K. Woodgate, 1972
Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism
D. Wagner, 1972
Lectures on Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics
D. ter Haar (Auth.), 1977
Lectures on Solid State Physics
Georg Busch, Horst Schade, 1976
Mechanics. Classical and Quantum
T. T. Taylor, 1976
Men of Physics. Galileo Galilei, His Life and His Works
Raymond J. Seeger, 1966
Fast Breeder Reactors. An Engineering Introduction
A. M. Judd (Auth.), 1981
Introduction To Set Theory & Topology
Kazimier Kuratowski, 1961
Introduction To Set Theory & Topology
Kazimier Kuratowski, 1961
Introduction to Set Theory and Topology
Kazimierz Kuratowski, 1972
Non-Linear Waves in Dispersive Media
V. I. Karpman, 1975
Nuclear Structure Theory
J. M. Irvine, 1972
Optics. International Series of Monographs in Natural Philosophy
J. P. Mathieu, 1975
Mathematical analysis : functions, limits, series, continued fractions
Brown, Donald Edward, 1965
Government Publications. Key Papers
Bernard M. Fry, 1981
Ionisation Constants of Inorganic Acids and Bases in Aqueous Solution
D. D. Perrin (Auth.), 1982
Environmental Oceanography. An Introduction to the Behaviour of Coastal Waters
Tom Beer (Auth.), 1983