انتشارات Pergamon Press New York

Unfinished Democracy. Women in Nordic Politics
E. Haavio-Mannila, 1985
University-Industry Research Interactions
Herbert I. Fusfeld, 1984
Transformation of Petroleum in Nature
P.F.Andreev, 1968
Transistor Switching and Sequential Circuits
John J. Sparkes (Auth.), 1969
E. J. M. Kendall (Auth.), 1969
Transitional Energy Policy 1980–2030. Alternative Nuclear Technologies
Hugh B. Stewart (Auth.), 1981
Transnational Corporations, Technology Transfer and Development. A Bibliographic Sourcebook
Tagi Sagafi-nejad, 1980
Transportation Planning, Policy and Analysis
D. N. M. Starkie (Auth.), 1976
Trees in the City. Habitat: a Series of Texts on All Aspects of Human Settlements
IrA.Bruce Nadel, CorneliA. Hahn Oberlander, Lesley R. Bohm, IrA.B. Nadel, 1977
Trends in Airborne Equipment for Agriculture and Other Areas. Proceedings of a Seminar Organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Warsaw, 18–22 September 1978
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Auth.), 1980
Trends in Communications Satellites
Denis J. Curtin (Eds.), 1979
Tropical Plant Types
B. G. M. Jamieson, J. F. Reynolds, 1967
Tunnelling and Negative Resistance Phenomena in Semiconductors
D. K. Roy, 1977
Topics in Current Aerosol Research. Part 1
G. M. Hidy (Eds.), 1972
Topics in Current Aerosol Research. Part 2
G. M. Hidy, 1971
Total Energy
R. M. E. Diamant, N. S. Billington, 1970
Toward a Consensus on Military Service. Report of the Atlantic Council's Working Group on Military Service
Andrew J. Goodpaster, 1982
Toward a New Strategy for Development. A Rothko Chapel Colloquium
Albert O. Hirschman, Dudley Seers, 1979
Towards a Re-Definition of Development. Essays and Discussion on the Nature of Development in an International Perspective
Alain Birou, Paul-Marc Henry, 1977
Towards a System of Lifelong Education. Some Practical Considerations
A.J. Cropley, 1980
Towards the Elimination of Racism
Phyllis A. Katz (Eds.), 1976
Toxicology of Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Health and Ecological Effects
M.A.Q. Khan, 1981