انتشارات Pergamon Press

Dislocations and Plastic Deformation
I. Kovács, L. Zsoldos, 1973
Early Solar Physics
A. J. Meadows, 1970
Human Growth and the Development of Personality
Jack Kahn, Susan Elinor Wright, 1980
Black Separatism and Social Reality. Rhetoric and Reason
Raymond L. Hall (Eds.), 1977
Bleaching Earths
M. K. Hasnuddin Siddiqui (Auth.), 1968
Braced Frameworks. An Introduction to the Theory of Structures
E. W. Parkes, 1965
Breeding Pest-Resistant Trees. Proceedings of a N.A.T.O. and N.S.F.
H. D. Gerhold, R. E. Mcdermott, 1966
Bronchial Asthma. A Genetic, Population and Psychiatric Study
Denis Leigh, 1967
Brown Sugar and Health
I. I. Brekhman, 1983
Calculated Electronic Properties of Metals
V. L. Moruzzi, J. F. Janak, 1978
Calculational Methods for Interacting Arrays of Fissile Material
A. F. Thomas, F. Abbey, 1973
Calculations in Fundamental Physics. Mechanics and Heat
T. Heddle, 1971
Ocean Tides. Mathematical Models and Numerical Experiments
G. I. Marchuk, 1984
Analytical Applications of EDTA and Related Compounds
R. Pribil, R. Belcher, 1972
Calculations in Furnace Technology. Division of Materials Science and Technology
Clive Davies, H.M. Finniston, D.W. Hopkins, 1970