انتشارات Pergamon Press

Dealing with Data
Arthur J. Lyon, 1970
Decomposition of Alloys: the Early Stages. Proceedings of the 2nd Acta-Scripta Metallurgica Conference
P. Haasen, V. Gerold, 1984
Deformation Geometry for Materials Scientists
C. N. Reid, 1973
Development of Responsiveness to Steroid Hormones. Advances in The Biosciences
Alvin M. Kaye, 1980
Dialogue for a New Order. Pergamon Policy Studies on International Development
Khadija Haq (Eds.), 1980
Handbook of Small Animal Oral Emergencies
Cecilia Gorrel, Susanna Penman, Peter P. Emily, 1993
Electronics – from Theory Into Practice. Applied Electricity and Electronics Division
J. E. Fisher, H. B. Gatland, 1976
Glacial Geology. An Introduction for Engineers and Earth Scientists
N. Eyles (Eds.), 1983
Mechanical (Turbines and Auxiliary Equipment). Second Revised and Enlarged Edition
A. Sherry, J. S. Beck, 1971
Living Cities. A Case for Urbanism and Guidelines for Re-urbanization
Jan Tanghe (Auth.), 1984
Chronic Radiation Hazards. An Experimental Study with Fast Neutrons
G.J. Neary, R.J. Munson, 1957
Mechanics of Composite Materials. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Naval Structural Mechanics
F. W. Wendt, H. Liebowitz, 1970
Excavation, Support and Monitoring. Volume 4
J.A. Hudson (Eds.), 1993
Computer Architecture Technology Trends
Architecture Technology Corp. (Auth.), 1991
Mass Transfer and Absorbers
T. Hobler, 1966
Institute of Applied Geology. Proceedings of a Symposium Convened
Ahmad M. S. Al-Shanti (Auth.), 1980