انتشارات Pergamon

Computers in Analytical Chemistry
R. Belcher (Eds.), 1983
Coulometry in Analytical Chemistry
G. W. C. Milner, G. M. Phillips, 1967
Alkaline Earth Hydroxides in Water and Aqueous Solutions
I. Lambert, 1992
Heat Transfer in Structures
H. Schuh, R. L. Bisplinghoff, 1965
Numerical Prediction of Flow, Heat Transfer, Turbulence and Combustion
D. Brian Spalding, Suhas V. Patankar, Andrew Pollard, 1983
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering. Chemical Engineering Design
R. K. Sinnott (Auth.), 1993
Land, Water and Mineral Resources in Science Education. Science and Technology Education and Future Human Needs
Norman J. Graves (Eds.), 1987
Modelling in the Technology of Wastewater Treatment
Imre Horváth (Auth.), 1984
Economic Co-Operation in the Commonwealth
Guy Arnold, Kenneth Bradley, 1967
Mathematical Problems and Puzzles from the Polish Mathematical Olympiads
Stefan Straszewicz, 1965
Mental Retardation. Some Recent Developments in the Study of Causes and Social Effects of This Problem
Brian H. Kirman (Auth.), 1968
Advances in Solid–Liquid Flow in Pipes and its Application
Iraj Zandi (Eds.), 1971
Advances in Surface Treatments. Technology–Applications–Effects
A. Niku-Lari (Auth.), 1987
Advances in the Psychology of Religion
Michael Argyle (Eds.), 1985
Advances in Theoretical Physics. Proceedings of the Landau Birthday Symposium, Copenhagen, 13–17 June 1988
Alan H. Luther (Eds.), 1990
Aerosol sciencen theory and practice
Williams, 1991
Metal Forming and Impact Mechanics. William Johnson Commemorative Volume
S. R. Reid (Eds.), 1985
Genetics and the Quality of Life
Charles Birch, 1975
Men of Physics: Lord Rayleigh–The Man and his Work
Robert Bruce Lindsay, 1970