انتشارات Perseus Book Group

Insufficiently Welsh
Griff Rhys Jones, 2014
Being a Boy
James Dawson, 2013
Gypsy Jane
Jane Lee, 2012
Frommer's EasyGuide to Rome, Florence and Venice 2015
Stephen Keeling, 2014
600 Watercolour Mixes
Sharon Finmark, 2011
Artemisia of Caria
Shirin Yim Bridges, 2011
AC/DC in the Studio. The Stories Behind Every Album
Jake Brown, 2013
Crispin Black, 2010
Acquiring Genomes. A Theory of the Origin of Species
Lynn Margulis, 2008
863 Buddhist Ways to Conquer Life's Little Challenges
Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2009
Aboriginal Populations in the Mind. Race and Primitivity in Psychoanalysis
Celia Brickman, 2003
50 Quiet Miracles That Changed Lives
William G Borchert, 2009
52 Weeks of Esteemable Acts. A Guide to Right Living
Francine Ward, 2012
52 Prepper Projects. A Project a Week to Help You Prepare for the Unpredictable
David Nash,James Talmage ", 2013
Abuse of Discretion. The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade
Clarke D. Forsythe, 2013
9/11 Ten Years Later. When State Crimes against Democracy Succeed
David Ray Griffin, 2012
Across the Line of Control. Inside Azad Kashmir
Luv Puri, 2010
An Absurd Ambition
Eric H. McCormick, 1996
Linked-the new science of networks
Albert-László Barabási, 2002
Linked: The New Science of Networks
Albert-laszlo Barabasi, 2002