انتشارات Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers

New Literacies, New Agencies?: A Brazilian Perspective on Mindsets, Digital Practices and Tools for Social Action In and Out of School (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Eduardo S. Junqueira (editor), Marcelo E.K. Buzato (editor), 2013
Language, Nation, and Identity in the Classroom: Legacies of Modernity and Colonialism in Schooling (Counterpoints)
David Hemphill, Erin Blakely, 2014
Wretched Sisters: Examining Gender and Capital Punishmend (Studies in Crime and Punishment)
Mary Welek Atwell, 2014
A Spirit Christology (Ecumenical Studies)
Skip Jenkins, 2018
Nota Bene: Making Digital Marks on Medieval Manuscripts (Medieval Interventions)
Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel (editor), 2018
American Public Education Law Primer (Peter Lang Primer)
David C. Bloomfield, 2016
Epistemic Principles: A Primer for the Theory of Knowledge (American University Studies)
Nicholas Rescher, 2016
Communication in the Age of Trump (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Arthur S. Hayes (editor), 2018
Jews in the Age of Authenticity: Jewish Spiritual Renewal in Israel (After Spirituality)
Rachel Werczberger, 2016
Hermeneutic Research: An Experiential Method (History and Philosophy of Science)
Sunnie D. Kidd (editor), Jim Kidd (editor), Omar S. Alattas (editor), 2019
Romantic «Weltliteratur» of the Western World
Agnieszka Gutthy (editor), 2019
Edgar Allan Poe: Amateur Psychologist
Brett Zimmerman, 2018
Poaching Politics: Online Communication During the 2016 US Presidential Election (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Paul Booth, Amber Davisson, Aaron Hess, Ashley Hinck, 2018
The Politics of Marijuana: A New Paradigm
Timothy McGettigan (editor), 2019
Goethe’s «Bildung»: Dialog Between Tradition and Innovation
Christoph Daniel Weber (editor), Jacob-Ivan Eidt (editor), 2018
Dreams, Visions, and the Rhetoric of Authority (Medieval Interventions)
John Bickley, 2018