انتشارات Peter Lang Uk

Configurations of Rape in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary Analysis of Three Rape Narratives
Frank M. Yamada, 2008
Curiosity, Inquiry, and the Geographical Imagination
Daniel W. Gade, 2011
Cutting Code: Software And Sociality (Digital Formations)
Adrian Mackenzie, 2006
Defining Species
John S. Wilkins, 2009
Digital Learning Lives: Trajectories, Literacies, and Schooling
Ola Erstad, 2013
Disabusing Women in the Old French Fabliaux
Munoz, 2014
Dropping Out, Drifting Off, Being Excluded: Becoming Somebody Without School
Smyth John/Hattam Robert, 2004
Ecocriticism: Creating Self and Place in Environmental and American Indian Literatures
Donelle N. Dreese, 2002
Edward Burne-Jones' Mythical Paintings: The Pygmalion of the Pre-Raphaelite Painters
Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, 2014
Aeolian Harp: An Essay Concerning the Nature of Tone
Gunnar Bucht, 2011
Anton Bruckner: The Man and the Work. Translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch
Bruckner, Anton, 2011
Art in Motion II: Motor Skills, Motivation, and Musical Practice
Adina Mornell, 2012
Assigning Cultural Values
Kjerstin Aukrust, 2013
Beethoven's Eroica: Thematic Studies
Constantin Floros, 2012
Beethoven's Eroica: Thematic Studies. Translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch
Floros, Constantin, 2012