انتشارات Peter Lang

Textile Messages: Dispatches From the World of E-Textiles and Education
Leah Buechley (editor), Kylie Peppler (editor), Michael Eisenberg (editor), Yasmin Kafai (editor), 2013
Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology
Raphael Neelamkavil, 2015
The Metaphor of Shepherd in the Gospel of Mark
Jogy Cheruvathoor George, 2015
The Archparadox of Death: Martyrdom as a Philosophical Category
Dariusz Karlowicz, Bartosz Adamczewski, 2016
The Narcissus Theme from «Fin de Siècle» to Psychoanalysis: Crisis of the Modern Self
Niclas Johansson, 2017
Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity
Jakob Engberg (editor), Julia Hillner (editor), Jörg Ulrich (editor), 2016
Humans and Automata: A Social Study of Robotics
Riccardo Campa, 2015
The Literary Avatars of Christian Sacramentality, Theology and Practical Life in Recent Modernity
Ioana Zirra (editor), Madeleine Potter (editor), 2015
«I turned back my feet to your decrees» (Psalm 119, 59): Torah in the Fifth Book of the Psalter
Michael Kodzo Mensah, 2016
Introduction to the Study of the History of Epistemology
Andrej Demuth, 2016
Academic Writing: Selected Topics in Writing an Academic Paper
Silvia Gáliková, 2016
Prolegomena to the Study of Modern Philosophy
Andrej Demuth, 2016
The Death and Life of the Self: Post-Wittgensteinian Investigations
Silvia Gáliková, 2016
Introduction to Philosophy
Renáta Kišonová; Renata Kisonova, 2016
Metaphysics: Selected Problems of Metaphysics and Ontology
Renáta Kišonová; Renata Kisonova, 2016
The Metamorphoses of Ancient Myths
Malgorzata Budzowska (editor), Burc Idem Dincel (editor), Jadwiga Czerwinska (editor), Katarzyna Chizynska (editor), 2017
Gandhi and the Popes: From Pius XI to Francis
Peter Gonsalves, 2014
Conversion and Initiation in Antiquity: Shifting Identities – Creating Change
Birgitte Secher Bøgh (editor), 2014
Philosophy of Transcendence: Selected Problems
Jana Trajtelova, 2016
History of Philosophy I: From Heraclitus to the Sophists
Michal Zvarík; M. Zvarik, 2016
The History of Medieval Philosophy: Selected Figures of Scholastic Tradition I
Ladislav Tkácik; L. Tkacik, 2016
Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
Ladislav Tkácik; L. Tkacik, 2016
History of Philosophy II: Plato and Aristotle
Michal Zvarík; M. Zvarik, 2016