انتشارات Polity Press

The Asset Economy: Property Ownership and the New Logic of Inequality
Lisa Adkins, Melinda Cooper, Martijn Konings, 2020
Patricia Hill Collins and Sirma Bilge, 2020
Who Rules Britain
John Scott, 1991
Being Modern in China
Paul Willis, 2020
Theology and Religion: Why It Matters
Graham Ward, 2019
Civil Society. Old Images, New Visions
John Keane, 1998
A Feminist Manifesto for Education
Miriam David, 2016
Adam Smith (Classic Thinkers Series)
Craig Smith, 2020
Resident Foreigners: A Philosophy of Migration
Donatella Di Cesare; David Broder, 2020
Resolutely Black : Conversations with Francoise Verges
Aimé Césaire; Matthew B. Smith, 2020
Amartya Sen
Lawrence Hamilton, 2019
Our Psychiatric Future
Nikolas Rose, 2018
Communication: A Post-Discipline
Silvio Waisbord, 2019
The Future of Intelligence
Mark M. Lowenthal, 2017
Minsky (Key Contemporary Thinkers)
Daniel H. Neilson, 2019
Subcultural Theory: Traditions and Concepts
J. Patrick Williams, 2011
The Politics of the Real: The Church Between Liberalism and Integralism
Schindler, D. C., 2021
Social Theory: A Historical Introduction
Alex Callinicos, 2007
Error, Illusion, Madness
Bento Prado Jr.; Marco Alexandre de Oliveira; Rodrigo Nunes, 2020
Nature Is a Battlefield: Towards a Political Ecology
Razmig Keucheyan, 2016
Should We Control World Population?
Diana Coole, 2018
The Jungle: Calais’s Camps and Migrants
Michel Agier (et al.), 2018
I Know There Are So Many of You
Alain Badiou; Susan Spitzer (translation), 2018