انتشارات Post Hill Press

A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street
Andrew W. Lo, A. Craig MacKinlay, 1999
A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street
Andrew W. Lo, A. Craig MacKinlay, 1999
A rational expectations approach to macroeconometrics
Frederic S Mishkin, 1983
Advanced Econometrics
Takeshi Amemiya, 1985
Advanced Econometrics
Takeshi Amemiya, 1985
Advanced Econometrics
Takeshi Amemiya, 1985
An Introduction to Classical Econometric Theory
Paul A. Ruud, 2000
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata
Christopher F. Baum, 2006
Essential Investment
Philip Ryland, 2003
Essential Investment
Philip Ryland, 2003
A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing
Hersh Shefrin, 2008
Axioms of Cooperative Decision Making
Hervé Moulin, 1991
Core and Equilibria of a Large Economy. (PSME-5)
Werner Hildenbrand, 1974
Core and Equilibria of a Large Economy. (PSME-5)
Werner Hildenbrand, 1974
Capital ideas: The improbable origins of modern Wall Street
Peter L. Bernstein, 1993
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy
Raghuram G. Rajan, 2010
Flying on One Engine
Thomas R. Keene, 2005
A Beginner's Guide to the Deep Culture Experience: Beneath the Surface
Joseph Shaules, 2010
32nd Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference: A Special Issue of Aphasiology
Patrick Doyle, 2003
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic
Herbert Enderton, Herbert B. Enderton, 2001