انتشارات Potomac Books Inc.

Diplomacy lessons : realism for an unloved superpower
John Brady Kiesling, 2007
Islam without a veil Kazakhstan's path of moderation
Claude Salhani, 2011
From Miniskirt to Hijab: A Girl in Revolutionary Iran
Crude nation : how oil riches ruined Venezuela
Raul Gallegos, 2017
Iraq and the Evolution of American Strategy
Steven Metz, 2008
The Journey of Liu Xiaobo: From Dark Horse to Nobel Laureate
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman; Yu Zhang; Jie Li; Tienchi Martin-Liao; Andréa Worden; Stacy Mosher, 2020
From Hope to Horror: Diplomacy and the Making of the Rwanda Genocide
Joyce E. Leader; Pauline H. Baker, 2020
Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence
Abram N. Shulsky, Gary J. Schmitt, 2002
Gone at 3:17: The Untold Story of the Worst School Disaster in American History
Brown, David M; Wereschagin, Michael, 2012
Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway
Jonathan Parshall, Anthony Tully, 2005
How We Won and Lost the War in Afghanistan
Douglas Grindle, 2017
Axis of Unity: Venezuela, Iran and the Threat to America
Sean Goforth, 2011
Dean Acheson and the Creation of an American World Order
Robert J. McMahon, 2008
Seymour Hersh: Scoop Artist
Robert Miraldi, 2013
Michael Collins and the Anglo-Irish War: Britain's Counterinsurgency Failure
J.B.E. Hittle, 2011
New Principles of War: Enduring Truths with Timeless Examples
Marvin Pokrant, 2021
Call Me Commander: A Former Intelligence Officer and the Journalists Who Uncovered His Scheme to Fleece America
Jeff Testerman; Daniel M. Freed, 2021
The Battle of Petersburg, June 15-18, 1864
Sean Michael Chick, 2015
Unsung Hero of Gettysburg: The Story of Union General David McMurtrie Gregg
Edward G. Longacre, 2021
Ours to Explore: Privilege, Power, and the Paradox of Voluntourism
Pippa Biddle, 2021
The War Against the Vets: The World War I Bonus Army during the Great Depression
Jerome Tuccille, 2018