انتشارات Prentice Hall, Que

Solution manual for Options, futures, and other derivatives 5ed.(no preface)
John C. Hull, 2002
Forensic Science: From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab
Richard Saferstein, 2012
Linear Algebra, 4th Edition
Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence, 2003
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy
Edward R. Tufte, 1974
Data Structures Outside-In with Java
Sesh Venugopal, 2006
Distributed Object-Oriented Data-Systems Design
Prabhat K. Andleigh, Michael A. Gretzinger, 1992
Advanced calculus
D. V. Widder, 1947
Advanced calculus
John M.H. Olmsted, 1961
Advanced calculus for applications
Francis B. Hildebrand, 1976
Advanced Calculus for Applications
Control System Design
Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe, Mario E. Salgado, 2000
Control systems: an introduction
Kevin Warwick, 1996
Digital Control System PhilipsNagle
Charles L. Phillips, H. Troy Nagle, 1994
Linear Optimal Control
Brian David Outram Anderson, John B. Moore, 1971
Modern control systems
Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, 2007
Modern Control Systems
Dorf Bishop
Modern Control Systems (11th Edition)
Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, 2007
Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction
Donald E. Kirk, 1970
Optimum Systems Control
Andrew P. Sage, Chelsea C. White III, 1977
Applied Differential Equations
Murray R. Spiegel, 1967
Elementary applied PDEs
Richard Haberman, 1987
Estructuras de matemática discreta para la computación
Kolman, Busby, Ross, 1997
Introduction to graph theory
Douglas B. West, 2000