انتشارات Prentice Hall

Foundation Design (Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Series)
Wayne C. Teng, 1962
Harry-N-Norton, 1989
Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium
Lawrence E. Malvern, 1969
Matrix iterative analysis
Varga Richard S, 1962
Nature With Art. Classroom and Outdoor Art Activities With Natural History
Susie Gwen Criswell, 1986
Non-Western Art - A Brief Guide
Lynn Mackenzie, 1995
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Charles T. Horngren, 2005
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Charles T. Horngren, 2005
Foundation of Green IT: Consolidation, Virtualization, Efficiency, and ROI in the Data Center
Marty Poniatowski, 2009
Understanding Financial Statements
Lyn M. Fraser, 2007
Understanding Financial Statements
Aileen M. Ormiston, 2010
Understanding Financial Statements (9th Edition)
Aileen M. Ormiston, 2009
Psychological Testing Principles and Applications
Kevin R. Murphy, 2004
Inorganic chemistry
Catherine E Housecroft, 2008
Inorganic Chemistry
Catherine Housecroft, 2012
Inorganic Chemistry (3rd Edition)
Catherine Housecroft, 2007
Mathematical Introduction to Celestial Mechanics
Harry Pollard, 1966
IC Op-Amp Cookbook
Walter G. Jung, 1986
IC Op-Amp Cookbook (3rd Edition)
Walter G. Jung, 1986
Services Marketing: Managing the Service Value Chain
Manfred Bruhn, 2006
Applied multivariate statistical analysis, 6th Edition
Richard Arnold Johnson, 2007
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2nd Edition)
Mikell P. Groover, 2000