انتشارات Prickly Paradigm Press

Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
David Graeber, 2004
Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
David Graeber, 2004
What Happened to Art Criticism?
James Elkins, 2003
"Culture" and Culture: Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Rights
Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, 2009
Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty
Richard M. Rorty, 2002
Waiting for Foucault, Still (Paradigm (Chicago, Ill.), 1.)
Marshall Sahlins, 2002
New Consensus for Old: Cultural Studies from Left to Right
Thomas Frank, 2002
New Consensus for Old: Cultural Studies from Left to Right
Thomas Frank, 2002
Enemies of Promise: Publishing, Perishing, and the Eclipse of Scholarship
Lindsay Waters, 2004
War of the Worlds: What about Peace?
Bruno Latour, 2002
What Happened to Art Criticism?
James Elkins, 2003
The Ecology of Others
Philippe Descola, 2013
The secret sins of economics
Deirdre N. McCloskey, 2002
On the Edges of Anthropology: Interviews
James Clifford, 2003
The Inconstancy of the Indian Soul: The Encounter of Catholics and Cannibals in 16th-Century Brazil
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro; Gregory Duff Morton, 2011
Neo-liberal genetics : The myths and moral tales of evolutionary psychology
Susan McKinnon, 2005
The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness
DonnaHaraway, Matthew Begelke, 2003