انتشارات Profile Books Ltd.

We-Think: Mass innovation, not mass production
Charles Leadbeater, 2009
Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? And 114 Other Questions
Mick O’Hare (Editor), 2006
Why don't penguins' feet freeze?: and 114 other questions
Edited - Mick O"Hare, 2006
You Talkin' To Me?: Rhetoric from Aristotle to Obama
Sam Leith, 2011
The Blue-Eyed Salaryman: From World Traveller to Lifer at Mitsubishi
Niall Murtagh, 2009
The 48 laws of power
Robert Greene, 2000
Intellectual Impostures
Alan Sokal, 2011
Parthenon (Wonders of the World)
Mary Beard, 2004
St Pancras Station (Wonders of the World)
Simon Bradley, 2008
The Colosseum
Keith Hopkins, 2011
The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme (Wonders of the World)
Gavin Stamp, 2007
Ghost Stories
Lorna Bradbury, Gill Baconnier, Justin Crozier, Ceri Hughes, Pat Black, Craig Drew, 2010
Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science
Michael Brooks, 2011
The Parthenon
Mary Beard, 2004
In the Place of Justice: A Story of Punishment and Deliverance
Wilbert Rideau, 2011
Fans Not Customers: How to Create Growth Companies in a No Growth World
Vernon Hill, 2012
The Shock Of The Old: Technology and Global History since 1900
David Edgerton, 2008
The Story of English in 100 Words
David Crystal, 2012