انتشارات Progress Publishers

Philosophy in the URSS. Problems of Dialectical Materialism
T. I. Oizerman, E. V. Ilyenkov, A. N. Leontiev, 1977
A History of Afghanistan
Yu. V. Gankovsky et al, 1985
Notes on Indian History (664-1858)
Karl Marx, 1976
The American Model: on the Scales o History | "Американская модель" на весах истории
A. Kortunov and A. Nikitin | А. Кортунов, А. Никитин, 1985
The Individual and Microenvironment
Yu. V. Sychev, 1978
Logic | ЛОГИКА
Alexandra Getmanova | А. Гетмавова, 1989
Maya l. Lisina | М. И. Лисина, 1985
ALBERT EINSTEIN'S Philosophical Views and the Theory of Relativity
D. P. Gribanov, 1987
Nihilism Today
Y. Sogomonov, P. Landesman, 1977
Karl Marx: A Biography
P. N. Fedoseyev et al., 1977
Lenin: A Biography
CC CPSU, 1983
Eternal Man: Reflections, Dialogues, Portraits
Evgeny Bogat, 1981
Soviet people as i knew them
Elton Fax, 1988
Bourgeois Economic Thought 1930s-70s
V. Afanasyev, 1983
Present-Day Non-Marxist Political Economy: A Critical Analysis
Mileikovsky et al., 1981
A Reader on Social Sciences
E. F. Borisov, G. I. Libman, 1985
What are Trade Unions?
E. Utkin, 1988
The Fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy
Fedor Vasilʹevich Konstantinov, 1974
Dialectical Logic
E. V. Ilyenkov, 1977
Problems of the development of mind
Alekséi N. Leontiev, 1981
The Future of Society. A Critique of Modern Bourgeois Philosophical and Socio-Political Conceptions
L. A. Leontiev, Y. D. Modrzhinskaya, 1973
Philosophy of Optimism
B. G. Kuznetsov, 1977
Karl Marx and Our Time
T. I. Oizerman, 1983