انتشارات Prufrock Press, Inc.

Ideas That Really Work!: Activities for Teaching English and Language Arts
Cheryl Miller Thurston, 2009
Language Is Served: Games, Writing Prompts, and Other Language Arts Activities on the Yummy Topic of Food
Cheryl Miller Thurston, 2008
American Revolution. Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts from the American Revolution
Stephanie Bearce, 2015
Phunny Stuph: Proofreading Exercises with a Sense of Humor
M. S. Samston, 2005
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope With Explosive Feelings
Christine Fonseca, 2010
World War I. Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts from World War I
Stephanie Bearce, 2015
World War II. Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts from World War II
Stephanie Bearce, 2015
The Civil War. Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts from the Civil War
Stephanie Bearce, 2015
Early Childhood Gifted Education (The Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education)
Nancy Hertzog Ph.D., 2008
Questioning Strategies for Teaching the Gifted (Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education)
Frances Karnes Ph.D., 2005
Developing Math Talent
Susan G. Assouline, 2010
On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 4th ed.
Tracy Cross Ph.D., 2010
Seize the Story: A Handbook for Teens Who Like to Write
Victoria Hanley, 2008
Serving Gifted Learners Beyond the Traditional Classroom: A Guide to Alternative Programs and Services
Joyce L. VanTassel-Baska, 2007
Introduction to Curriculum Design in Gifted Education
Kristen R. Stephens, 2016
Teaching Children With Autism in the General Classroom: Strategies for Effective Inclusion and Instruction
Vicky G. Spencer Ph.D., Cynthia G. Simpson Ph.D., 2009
Best Practices in Gifted Education: An Evidence-Based Guide
Anne Robinson, 2006
Children with High-Functioning Autism: A Parent's Guide
Claire Hughes Ph.D., 2010
Raising the Shy Child: A Parent's Guide to Social Anxiety
Christine Fonseca, 2015
Parenting Gifted Children: The Authoritative Guide From the National Association for Gifted Children
Donald Treffinger Ph.D., 2010