انتشارات Rüdiger Köppe

A Historical-Comparative Reconstruction of Nilo-Saharan
Ehret, Christopher
A reference grammar of Oko: A West Benue-Congo language of North-Central Nigeria
Joseph Dele Atoyebi, 2010
A Grammar of Tadaksahak: A Berberised Songhay Language (Mali)
Regula Christiansen-Bolli, 2010
Iraqw - English Dictionary (with an English and a thesaurus index)
Maarten Mous, Martha Qorro, and Roland Kießling, 1993
Grammaire descriptive du pólrì – Eléments de phonologie, morphologie et syntaxe
Abraham Wéga Simeu, Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig, 2016
A Dictionary of Sandawe: The Lexicon and Culture of a Khoesan People of Tanzania
Christopher Ehret, Patricia Ehret, 2012
English-Kanuri Dictionary
Norbert Cyffer , Herrmann Jungraithmary, 1994
A Grammatical Sketch of Mbugwe: Bantu F34, Tanzania
Maarten Mous, Wilhelm J. G. Möhlig, Bernd Heine, 2004
A Dictionary of the Nandi Language
Jane Tapsubei Creider and Chet A. Creider, 2001
A Dictionary of Emai - An Edoid Language of Nigeria
Ronald R Schaefer / Francis O. Egbokhare, 2007
A dictionary of the Kisi language: with an English-Kisi index
George Tucker Childs, 2000
Lucazi grammar : a morphosemantic analysis
Fleisch, Axel, 2000
The Lamang Language and Dictionary, Vol. 1: The Lamang Language
H. Ekkehard Wolff, Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg, 2015
The Lamang Language and Dictionary, Vol. 2: A Dictionary of Lamang
H. Ekkehard Wolff, Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg, 2015
A Functional Grammar of Dholuo
Duncan O. Okombo, M. Lionel Bender, Franz Rottland, 1997
A Sketch of Umbundu
Thilo C. Schadeberg, 1990
Tigre Studies in the 21st Century – Tigre-Studien im 21. Jahrhundert
Rainer Voigt, 2015
The lexical reconstruction of West-Rift Southern Cushitic
Roland Kiessling; Maarten Mous, 2003
A !Xoo Dictionary
Anthony Traill, 1994
Die Khoe-Sprachen: Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Sprachgeschichte Afrikas
Rainer Voßen, 1997