انتشارات Recorded Books

From Jesus to Christianity : a history of the early church
Thomas F Madden, 2006
Fueling the planet : the past, present, and future of energy
Michael B McElroy, 2009
Fundamental cases : the twentieth-century courtroom battles that changed our nation
Alan M Dershowitz, 2006
Human anatomy : the beauty of form and function
John K Young, 2008
Journeys of the great explorers : Columbus to Cook
Glyndwr Williams, 2009
Masterpieces of medieval literature
Timothy Baker Shutt, 2005
Masters of Enterprise:
H.W. Brands, 2003
Philosophy and the law : how judges reason
Stephen E Mathis, 2008
Plato and Aristotle : the genesis of western thought
Louis Aryeh Kosman, 2010
Religion, myth, and magic : the anthropology of religion
Susan A Johnston, 2009
Resolute determination : Napoleon and the French empire
Donald Sutherland, 2009
Rethinking our past : recognizing facts, fictions, and lies in American history
James W Loewen, 2006
The Incas : inside an American empire
Terence N D"Altroy, 2004
The law of the land : a history of the Supreme Court
Kermit L Hall, 2011
The medieval world. / I, Kingdoms, empires and war
Thomas F Madden, 2009
The Proposition
Judith Ivory, 2003
Understanding the fundamentals of classical music
Richard Freedman, 2003
Understanding the fundamentals of classical music
Freedman, 2003
Upon this rock : a history of the papacy from Peter to John Paul II
Thomas F Madden, 2007
Wars that made the western world
Timothy Baker Shutt, 2004
Winston Churchill: Man of the Century
John Ramsden, 2009