انتشارات Routledge And Kegan Paul

The Depths of the Soul: Psycho-analytical studies
William Stekel, 1921
Western India in the Nineteenth Century
Ravinder Kumar, 1968
America and the Third World. Revolution and Intervention
John L.S. Girling, 1980
Memories of Class. The Pre-history and After-life of Class
Zygmunt Bauman, 1982
The Concept of Social Change. A Critique of the Functionalist Theory of Social Change
Anthony D. Smith, 1973
Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World
John Rex, 1974
Pre-capitalist Modes of Production
Barry Hindess and Paul Q. Hirst, 1975
Images of Crisis: Literary Iconology, 1750 to the Present
George P. Landow, 1982
Questions on Wittgenstein
Rudolf Haller, 1988
Leonardo, Descartes, Max Weber: Three Essays
Karl Jaspers; Ralph Mannheim (trans.), 1965
Continuities (1968)
Sir Frank Kermode, 2014
Puzzles and Epiphanies: Essays and Reviews 1958-1961
Frank Kermode, 1962
Village Life and Labour
Raphael Samuel (editor), 1975
Noricum (1974)
Geza Alfoldy; Anthony Birley (tr.), 2015
Race and History: An Ethnological Introduction to History
Eugène Pittard; Henri Berr, 2003
The Delinquent Solution: A Study in Subcultural Theory
David Downes, 1966
Iran under the Ayatollahs (Routledge Revivals)
Dilip Hiro, 1987
An infantile disorder?: The crisis and decline of the New Left
Nigel Young, 1977
ABC of Jung's Psychology
Joan Corrie, 1927
The Phenomenon of Money
Thomas Crump, 1982
Oral Tradition: A Study in Historical Methodology
J. Vansina, 1972
Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology
Rozsika Parker and Griselda Pollock, 1981
The Rough Guide to Yugoslavia
Martin Dunford, Jack Holland, and John McGhie, 1987