انتشارات Rsc Pub

Aspects of African biodiversity : proceedings of the Pan Africa Chemistry Network Biodiversity Conference, Nairobi, 10-12 September 2008
JO Midiwo; JM Clough; Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain), 2010
Alternative Solvents for Green Chemistry
Francesca M. Kerton, 2009
Silica-Based Materials for Advanced Chemical Applications
Mario Pagliaro, 2009
Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Fine Chemicals
Roberto Ballini, 2009
Nanotubes and Nanowires
C N Ram Rao, 2005
Microwave induced plasma analytical spectrometry
Krzysztof J Jankowski, 2011
Electronic Waste Management
Ronald E. Hester, 2009
Metal-catalysis in Industrial Organic Processes
Gian Paolo Chiusoli, 2006
J. Hutchison, 2007
Quantities, units, and symbols in physical chemistry
E Richard Cohen, 2007
Dynamic stereochemistry of chiral compounds : principles and applications
Christian Wolf, 2008
Nanotubes and nanowires
C. N. R. Rao, 2005
Nanotubes and nanowires
C. N. R. Rao, 2005
Advanced renewable energy sources
SC Bhatia, 2012
Flat panel displays
S.M. Kelly, 2000
Food microbiology
Martin R. Adams, Maurice O. Moss, 2008
Perspectives in Organometallic Chemistry
C.G. Screttas, B.R. Steele, 2002
Biophysical Chemistry: Membrane and Proteins (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit, 283)
R.H. Templer, R.J. Leatherbarrow, 2002
Basic Chemometric Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy
Jose Manuel Andrade-Garda, 2009
Valid Analytical Methods and Procedures
C. Burgess, 2000
Plastics: Surface And Finish
W. SIMPSON, 1995
D-And F-Block Chemistry
Chris J. Jones, 2000
Aromatic Chemistry
John D. Hepworth, David R. Waring, Michael J. Waring, 2003