انتشارات Sae

Design adn Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines
Gordon P. Blair, 1999
Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics (R114)
Thomas D. Gillespie, 1992
Vehicle Refinement: Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicles (R-364
Matthew Harrison, 2004
Vehicle Refinement: Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicles (R-364
Matthew Harrison, 2004
Engine Testing: Theory and Practice
Michael James Plint, Tony Martyr, 2007
Tire and Vehicle Dynamics, 2nd edition volume R-372
Hans B Pacejka, 2005
Controlled Bombs and Guided Missiles of the World War II and Cold War Eras
Vernon R. Schmitt, 2002
Finite Element Analysis For Design Engineers
Paul M. Kurowski, 2004
Brake Design and Safety
Rudolf Limpert, 1992
SAE Fatigue Design Handbook
Richard C. Rice, 1997
Care and repair of advanced composites
Armstrong, Keith B., 2005
An Introduction to Engine Testing and Development
Richard D. Atkins, 2009
The Automotive Chassis: Engineering Principles
Jornsen Reimpell, 2001
Automotive lubricants reference book
Caines, Arthur J., 2004
Automotive Engineering Fundamentals
Richard Stone, 2004
Composite materials handbook. Volume 4, Metal matrix composites
Collective, 2013
Design and Simulation of Two-Stroke Engines (R161)
Gordon P. Blair, 1996
Dictionary of Materials and Testing, Second Edition
Joan L. Tomsic, 2000
Alternative Fuels Guidebook
Bechtold R.L., 1997
Automotive Software Engineering: Principles, Processes, Methods, and Tools
Jorg Schauffele, 2005
Automotive Software Engineering: Principles, Processes, Methods, and Tools
Jorg Schauffele, 2005
Autonomous Vehicles for Safer Driving
Ronald K. Jurgen, 2013