انتشارات Sagamore Pub.

Against the world: a behind-the-scenes look at the Portland Trail Blazers' chase for the NBA championship
Kerry Eggers, Dwight Jaynes, 1992
911 Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Leisure Service Managers
Joseph J. Bannon, 1999
The management of clubs, recreation, and sport: concepts and applications
Thomas H. Sawyer, 1999
Leisure Education: Theory and Practice
Jean Mundy, 1998
Leisure & Aging: Ulyssean Living in Later Life
Francis A. McGuire, 1995
Risk Management for Park Recreation and Leisure Services
J. Peterson, 1992
Recreation programming: designing leisure experiences
J. Robert Rossman, 1995
Marge Schott: unleashed
Mike Bass, 1993
Making Special Events Fit in the 21st Century
Robert Jackson, 1997
Special Events: Inside and Out
Steven Wood Schmader, 1997
101 Defensive Back Drills
Ron DIckerson and James A. Peterson, 1997
101 Defensive Back Drills
Ron DIckerson and James A. Peterson, 1997
Adolph Rupp: Kentucky's Basketball Baron
Russell Rice, 1994
Motion Game Offenses for Men's and Women's Basketball (Art & Science of Coaching)
Harry L.Mike Harkins, Jerry Krause, 1997
101 Pitching Drills
Bob Bennett, 2000
Coach of the Year Football Manual (Coach of the Year Clinies Football Manuals)
Earl Browning, 1998
Steve Lyons: Psychoanalysis
Steve Lyons, 1995
Evaluative Research in Recreation, Park, and Sport Settings: Searching for Useful Information
Carol Cutler Riddick, 1999