انتشارات Sage Publications, Sage Publications Ltd

Migrants, Refugees and the Stateless in South Asia
Ghosh, Partha S., 2016
Migrants, Refugees and the Stateless in South Asia
Ghosh, Partha S., 2016
Memory: Foundations And Applications
Bennett L. Schwartz, 2018
True Friendship
The Journal of E., 1903
Handbook of organization studies
Stewart Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Walter Nord, 1996
Actor-Network Theory: Trials, Trails And Translations
Mike Michael, 2017
Contemporary social and sociological theory: visualizing social worlds
Kenneth Allan, 2006
Cross-Cultural Management Essential Concepts
Mark F Peterson, David C. Thomas, 2016
The SAGE handbook of organization studies
Stewart Clegg; Cynthia Hardy; Thomas B. Lawrence; Walter R. Nord (editors), 2006
Geographies of Embodiment: Critical Phenomenology and the World of Strangers
Kirsten Simonsen, Lasse Koefoed, 2020
Practising Existential Therapy: The Relational World
Spinelli, Ernesto, 2014
Existential Therapies
Mick Cooper, 2016
Introductory Statistics Using SPSS
Herschel Knapp, 2013
Collecting Qualitative Data: A Field Manual for Applied Research
Greg S. Guest; Emily E. Namey; Marilyn L. Mitchell, 2012
Crisis Management: Resilience and Change
Sarah Kovoor-Misra, 2019
Critical Ethnography. Methods, Ethics, and Performance
D. Soyini Madison, 2019
Effective Data Visualization: The Right Chart for the Right Data
Stephanie D. H. Evergreen, 2016
Economies of Design
Guy Julier, 2017
Encyclopedia of Humor Studies
Salvatore Attardo (editor), 2014
Business Writing Today: A Practical Guide
Natalie C. Canavor, 2015
Comparative, International, and Global Justice: Perspectives from Criminology and Criminal Justice
Cyndi Banks, James Baker, 2015
Secularism, Islam and Modernity
Ansari, M. T., 2013
Indian Democracy: Contradictions and Reconciliations
Arvind Sivaramakrishnan (editor), Sudarsan Padmanabhan (editor), 2020
Anmol Betiyan
Clark, Alice W;, 2018