انتشارات Sage Publications

Carl Gustav Jung
Jung, Carl Gustav; Casement, Ann; Jung, Jung Carl Gustav, 2001
Carl Gustav Jung
Jung, Carl Gustav; Casement, Ann; Jung, Jung Carl Gustav, 2001
21st Century Political Science: A Reference Handbook
John T. Ishiyama, Marijke Breuning, 2010
Changing Bodies: Habit, Crisis and Creativity
Chris Shilling, 2008
Bakhtin and the human sciences : no last words
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Gardiner, Michael; Bell, Michael; Bakhtin, M. M, 1998
Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics
Andy Field, 2013
Discovering Statistics Using R
Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, Zoe Field, 2012
Discovering Statistics Using SAS
Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, 2010
Discovering statistics using SPSS
Andy Field, 2005
Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, (Third Edition)
Andy Field, 2009
Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, 3rd Edition
Andy Field, 2009
Job and Work Design: Organizing Work to Promote Well-Being and Effectiveness
Sharon K Parker, Toby D. Wall, 1998
Microbial methane oxidation processes and technologies for mitigation of landfill gas emissions
Charlotte Scheutz;Peter Kjeldsen;Jean Bogner;Alex De Visscher;Julia Gebert;All authors
Developing Transactional Analysis Counselling
Ian Stewart, 1996
Transactional analysis counselling in action
Ian Stewart, 2007
English as an Additional Language: Approaches to Teaching Linguistic Minority Students
Constant Leung, Angela Creese, 2010
Encyclopedia of Epidemiology volume 1 & 2
Sarah E. Boslaugh, 2007
Applied Psychology: Current Issues and New Directions
Professor Rowan Bayne, Mr Ian Horton, 2003
Being an Effective Headteacher
Dr Trevor Male, 2006
Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook
William S. (Sims) Bainbridge, 2011