انتشارات Sage Publications Inc

Hispanic Psychology: Critical Issues in Theory and Research
Amado M. Padilla, 1994
How Advertising Works: The Role of Research
John Philip Jones, 1998
How to Sample in Surveys (The Survey Kit 7)
Dr. Arlene G. Fink, 2002
Individual Differences in Language Development
Cecilia M. Shore, 1994
Infant Cognition: Predicting Later Intellectual Functioning
John Colombo, 1993
Institutions and Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)
W. Richard Scott, 1995
Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression, 2nd Ed. (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
Professor James J. Jaccard, 2003
International Advertising: Realities and Myths
John Philip Jones, 1999
International Encyclopedia of Political Science
Bertrand Badie, 2011
Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change
Davydd Greenwood, 2006
Systematic Data Collection (Qualitative Research Methods)
Dr. Susan C. Weller, 1988
Systematic Self-Observation
Noelie Maria Rodriguez, 2001
Task Groups in the Social Services
Marian F. Fatout, 1995
Teaching Large Classes: Tools and Strategies
Elisa Carbone, 1998
Terror and Everyday Life: Singular Moments in the History of the Horror Film
Jonathan Lake Crane, 1994
Testing and Measurement: A User-Friendly Guide
Sharon E. Robinson Kurpius, 2006
The Aging Experience: Diversity and Commonality Across Cultures
Jennie Keith, 1994
The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality
Dennis L. Gilbert, 2010
The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging
Autumn P. Edwards, 2012
The Handbook of Community Practice
M. O. Weil, 2012
The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate
Neal Ashkanasy, 2010
The Indigenous Voice in World Politics: Since Time Immemorial
Franke Wilmer, 1993