انتشارات Sage

The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics: A Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences
Dr Duncan Cramer, Dr Dennis Laurence Howitt, 2004
The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics: A Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences
Duncan Cramer, Dennis Laurence Howitt, 2004
Interpreting and Using Regression
Christopher H. Achen, 1982
Modern Regression Techniques Using R: A Practical Guide
Daniel B Wright, Kamala London, 2009
Encyclopedia of Career Development
Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Dr. Gerard A. Callanan, 2006
Encyclopedia of Career Development
Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Dr. Gerard A. Callanan, 2006
Peasant Movements in Post-Colonial India: Dynamics of Mobilization and Identity
Debal K. Singha Roy, Debal K. Singharoy, 2004
Bridging The Gap: Essays on Inclusive Development and Education
Latha Pillai, Babu Remesh, 2011
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society
David H. Guston (ed), 2010
Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Robert C. Eklund, Gershon Tenenbaum, 2014
Carl Gustav Jung
Ann Casement, 2001
Carl Gustav Jung
Jung, Carl Gustav; Casement, Ann; Jung, Jung Carl Gustav, 2001
Carl Gustav Jung
Jung, Carl Gustav; Casement, Ann; Jung, Jung Carl Gustav, 2001
Analytic mapping and geographic databases
G. David Garson, Robert S. Biggs, 1992
21st Century Political Science: A Reference Handbook
John T. Ishiyama, Marijke Breuning, 2010
Changing Bodies: Habit, Crisis and Creativity
Chris Shilling, 2008
Bakhtin and the human sciences : no last words
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Gardiner, Michael; Bell, Michael; Bakhtin, M. M, 1998
Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics
Andy Field, 2013
Discovering Statistics Using R
Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, Zoe Field, 2012
Discovering Statistics Using SAS
Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, 2010
Discovering statistics using SPSS
Andy Field, 2005