انتشارات Sain Publishers

Handbook of Dietary and Nutritional Aspects of Human Breast Milk
Sherma Zibadi, Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy, 2013
Indicators of milk and beef quality
J.F. Hocquette; S. Gigli, 2005
Indicators Of Milk And Beef Quality
J. F. Hocquette, S. Gigli, 2005
Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope?
Matthew Tinsley, Sarah Hendrickx, 2008
Influenza and Bird Flu. Examining the Flu
Evelyn B. Kelly, PhD,Claire Wilson, 2014
Analytical chemistry of uranium
PN Paleĭ; DI Ri︠a︡bchikov; Mark Moiseevich Seni︠a︡vin; Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoĭ khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo, 1970
EW 104: Electronic Warfare Against a New Generation of Threats
David L. Adamy, 2015
GSM and Personal Communications Handbook
Siegmund Redl, Matthias Weber, Malcolm W. Oliphant, 1998
GSM and Personal Communications Handbook
Siegmund Redl, Matthias Weber, Malcolm W. Oliphant, 1998
The Black Fox
Henry Fitzgerald Heard, 1951
Battles and Generals: Combat, Culture, and Didacticism in Procopius’ "Wars"
Conor Whately, 2016
Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
Vladimir A. Fock, 1978
Vladimir A. Fock, 1978
Pseudepigraphic Perspectives: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls : Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 12-14 January, 1997 (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah)
Esther G. Chazon, Michael E. Stone, Avital Pinnick, 1999
The Damascus Document: A Centennial of Discovery : Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 4-8 February, 1998 (Studies of the Texts of the Desert of Judah)
Joseph M. Baumgarten, Esther G. Chazon, Avital Pinnick, 2000
Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology
James D. Mauseth, 1998
Software Architecture and Design Illuminated
Kai Qian, Xiang Fu, Lixin Tao, Chong-wei Xu, 2009
Software Architecture and Design Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett Illuminated)
Kai Qian, Xiang Fu, Lixin Tao, Chong-wei Xu, 2009
Software Architecture and Design Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett Illuminated)
Kai Qian, Xiang Fu, Lixin Tao, Chong-wei Xu, 2009
Solutions for Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Dennis G. Zill, Michael R. Cullen, 1999