انتشارات Sams Publishing

Basic Steps in Geostatistics: The Variogram and Kriging
Margaret A. Oliver, Richard Webster (auth.), 2015
Geomathematics: Theoretical Foundations, Applications and Future Developments
Frits Agterberg (auth.), 2014
Electromagnetic Compatibility Pocket Guide: Key EMC Facts, Equations, and Data
Kenneth Wyatt, Randy J. Jost, 2013
Electromagnetic Field Standards and Exposure Systems
Eugeniusz Grudzinski, Hubert Trzaska, 2014
Electromagnetic field theory
Harald J. W. Muller-Kirsten, 2004
Classical Electrodynamics
Tung Tsang, USA), Tung Tsang Howard Univ., 1998
Foundations of Electrodynamics
S.R. de Groot and L.G. Suttorp (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam), 1972
Glassy Materials and Disordered Solids: An Introduction to Their Statistical Mechanics
Kurt Binder, Walter Kob, 2005
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics
M. G. Calkin, 1996
Physics Mechanics (Zambak)
Ahmet AKİ, Sinan KOŞAK, Salim GÜR, 2004
Physics Mechanics (Zambak)
Ahmet AKİ, Sinan KOŞAK, Salim GÜR, 2004
Chaos Avant-Garde: Memoirs of the Early Days of Chaos Theory
Ralph H. Abraham, Yoshisuke Ueda, 2001
Chaos Bifurcations and Fractals Around Us: A Brief Introduction
Wanda Szemplinska-Stupnicka, 2004
Chaos, Bifurcations and Fractals around Us: A Brief Introduction
Wanda Szemplinska-Stupnicka, 2004
Chaotic Synchronization: Applications to Living Systems
Erik Mosekilde, Dmitry Postnov, Yuri Maistrenko, 2002
Fractals and Chaos. An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and chaos: an illustrated course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course
Paul S. Addison, 1997
Fundamentals of solidification
Kurz W., Fisher D.J., 1992