انتشارات Sap Press America

Select Orations
by St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Author), Martha Vinson (Translator), 2017
The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem vol.1
by Jerusalem S.J., Cyril of (Author), Leo P. McCauley (Translator), Anthony A. Stephenson (Translator), 2005
The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem vol. 2
by Cyril of Jerusalem (Author), Leo P. McCauley (Translator), Anthony A. Stephenson (Translator), 2000
Treatises Saint Cyprian
by Cyprian (Author), 2007
The Divine Institutes, Books I-VII
by Lactantius (Author), McDonald O.P., Sr. Mary Francis (Translator), 2008
Ascetical Works St. Basil the Great
by Vasilii Blazhennyi (Author), St. Basil (Author), M. Monica Wagner (Translator), 1999
Apologetical Works; Octavius
by Tertullian (Author), 2008
Homilies on Luke
by Origen(Author), Joseph T. Lienhard (Translator), 2008
The Fathers of the Church: St. Ephrem the Syrian : Selected Prose Works
by Edward G. Mathews (Author), Kathleen McVey (Editor), Joseph P. Amar (Translator), 1994
Leo The Great: Sermons
by Leo the Great (Author), 1996
Children of God in the World: An Introduction to Theological Anthropology
Paul O’Callaghan, 2016
Commentary on the Psalms, 1-72
Theodoret of Cyrus, Robert C. Hill (Translator), 2000
Understanding the Diaconate: Historical, Theological, and Sociological Foundati
by W. Shawn McKnight(Author), David W. Fagerberg (Foreword), 2018
Letters: 1-50
by Cyril of Alexandria (Author), John I. McEnerney (Translator), 2007
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets
by Theodore (Author), Robert C Hill (Translator), 2004
Saint Basil Exegetic Homilies
by St. Basil (Author), Sister Agnes Clare Way (Translator), 2003
Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption
Gregory Vall, 2013
Saint Gregory of Nyssa Ascetical Works
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Virginia Woods Callahan (Translator), 1999
Saint John Chrysostom Apologist
Saint John Chrysostom, Margaret A. Schatkin (Translator), 2001
Origen: Homilies on Genesis and Exodus
by Origen(Author), Ronald E. Heine (Translator), 2002
Origen: Homilies on Judges
by Origen(Author), Dively Lauro, Elizabeth Ann (Translator), 2010
Origen: Homilies on Jeremiah and I Kings 28
by Origen(Author), John Clark Smith (Translator), 2016
Aristotle In Late Antiquity
Lawrence P. Schrenk, 1994
Sacrifice as Gift: Eucharist, Grace, and Contemplative Prayer in Maurice de la Taille
Michon M. Matthiesen, 2012