انتشارات Saunders College Publishing

Analog and Digital Control System Design
Chi-Tsong Chen, 1993
Wildlife Feeding and Nutrition
Charles T. Robbins, 1983
Sensory Evaluation Practices
Herbert Stone, 1985
Biology of the Rhizobiaceae. International Review of Cytology: Supplement 6
Kenneth L. Giles, 1981
Cardiovascular Review 1984
Gerald C. Timmis, Douglas C. Westveer, 1984
Control Engineering: A Modern Approach
Pierre R. Belanger, 1995
Elementary Algebra
Denny Burzynski, 1989
Handbook of Differential Equations
Daniel Zwillinger (Auth.), 1989
Introduction to Floriculture
Roy A. Larson (Eds.), 1980
Pattern-Directed Inference Systems
D.A. Waterman, 1978