انتشارات Saunders Elsevier

The molecular basis of cancer
John Mendelsohn, 2015
Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Dermatology, 1e
Anita Patel BVMDVDMRCVS, Peter J. Forsythe BVM&, 2008
Glaucoma : includes medical diagnosis and therapy and surgical
Tarek M. Shaarawy MDMSc, 2015
Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare. Prevention and Treatment
Ilona Rodan DVMDABVP (Feline Practice), Sarah Heath BVScDipECAWBM(BM)CCABMRCVS, 2016
Atlas of orthopedic surgical procedures of the dog and cat
Ann L. Johnson DVMMS, Dianne Dunning DVMMS, 2005
Radiology of Birds: An Atlas of Normal Anatomy and Positioning
Sam Silverman DVMPhDDACVR, Lisa Tell DVMPhDDABVP(Avian)DACZM, 2010
Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse
Kenneth W. Hinchcliff BVSc(Hons)MSPhDDipl ACVIM, Raymond J. Geor BVScMVScPhD, Andris J. Kaneps DVMPhDDiplomate ACVS, 2008
Electrophysiological disorders of the heart
Mechanical ventilation : clinical applications and pathophysiology
P. Papadakos, B. Lachmann, 2008
August's Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Volume 7, 1e
Susan Little DVMDABVP (Feline), 2016
Botulinum Toxin. Therapeutic Clinical Practice and Science
Joseph Jankovic, MD, Alberto Albanese, MD, M. Zouhair Atassi, PhD, DSc, J. Oliver Dolly, MSc, PhD, DSc, Mark Hallett, MD,, 2009
Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine
Kim A. Sprayberry, 2015
An atlas of head & neck surgery
John M Loré, 2005
Body MRI
Evan Siegelman, 2005
Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 2, 6e
Grant Maxie DVMPhDDipACVP, 2016
The equine manual
Andrew Higgins, 2006
Clinical management of thyroid disease
F. Wondisford, 2009
Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists
David Myland Kaufman MD, 2007
Wheeler's dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion
Stanley J Nelson, 2010
Urologic oncology
Jerome P Richie, 2005
The molecular basis of cancer
John Mendelsohn, 2008
The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 1 Reproductive System
Roger P. Smith, 2011
The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 10e