انتشارات Sbl Press

After Wounded Knee: Correspondence of Major and Surgeon John Vance Lauderdale while Serving with the Army Occupying the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, 1890-1891
Marvin J. Greenberg, John R. Harper, 1996
Algebraic topology: a first course
Marvin J. Greenberg, John R. Harper, 1981
Electric Machines: Modeling, Condition Monitoring, and Fault Diagnosis
Hamid A. Toliyat, Subhasis Nandi, Seungdeog Choi, Homayoun Meshgin-Kelk, 2013
Electrical insulation for rotating machines
Greg Stone, Edward A. Boulter, Ian Culbert, Hussein Dhirani, 2004
Electrical Machines with MATLAB®, Second Edition
Gonen, Turan, 2011
Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines
William A. Thue, 2005
Power Quality In Electrical Machines And Power Systems
Ewald Fuchs, Mohammad A. S. Masoum, 2008
Power Quality in Power Systems and Electrical Machines
Ewald Fuchs, Mohammad A. S. Masoum, 2008
Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronic Applications
Mohamed E. El-Hawary, 2002
Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Patrick, Dale R.; Fardo, Stephen W., 1997
Systems, Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines
Richard C. Dorf, 2006
A Compendium of Partial Differential Equation Models with MATLAB
William E. Schiesser, Graham W. Griffiths, 2009
A guide to MATLAB: for beginners and experienced users
Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman, Jonathan M. Rosenberg, 2006
A guide to MATLAB: for beginners and experienced users
Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman, Jonathan M. Rosenberg, 2001
A MATLAB companion for multivariable calculus
Jeffery Cooper, 2001
Sherlock Holmes by gas-lamp: highlights from the first four decades of the Baker Street journal
Philip A. Shreffler, 1989
The Philosophy of Sherlock Holmes
Philip Tallon, David Baggett, 2012
The Philosophy of Sherlock Holmes
Philip Tallon, David Baggett, 2012
Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems, and symmetry
Philip Holmes, John L. Lumley, Gal Berkooz, 1996
Art and Archaeology of Challuabamba, Ecuador
Terence Grieder, James D. Farmer, David V. Hill, Peter W. Stahl, Douglas H. Ubelaker, 2009
Area 7
Matthew Reilly, 2003
Area 7
Matthew Reilly, 2003