انتشارات Scm

Neues Leben. Die Bibel - Neues Testament
SCM R.Brockhaus, 2012
Galilean Christianity (Studies in Biblical Theology 16)
Leonard Elliott Elliott-Binns, 1956
God Talk: Examination of the Language and Logic of Theology
John Macquarrie, 1970
Discovering the Qur'an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text, 2nd Edition
Neal Robinson, 2003
A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics
James F. Childress, 1986
Das Große Bibellexikon: Band I, Von A-K
Helmut Burkhardt, 2009
Das Große Bibellexikon: Band II, von L-Z
Helmut Burkhardt, 2009
Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies
E. P. Sanders, 1990
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE-66 CE
E. P. Sanders, 1992
Christ and Time: The Primitive Christian Conception of Time
Oscar Cullmann, 1962
Does God Exist?: An Answer for Today
Hans Küng, 1991
God for a Secular Society: Public Relevance of Theology
Jürgen Moltmann, 1999
God in Creation: An Ecological Doctrine of Creation
Jürgen Moltmann, 1985
God of Chance
D. J. Bartholomew, 2005
Incarnation and Myth: The Debate Continued
M.D. Goulder, 1979
James, Brother of Jesus
Pierre-Antoine Bernheim, 1997
Jewish Messianism and the Cult of Christ
William Horbury, 2009
Life Together
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1954
Paul and James (Studies in Biblical Theology 46)
Walther Schmithals, 1965
Searching the Scriptures, Vol. 1: A Feminist Introduction
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (ed.), 1993
Searching the Scriptures, Vol. 2: A Feminist Commentary
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (ed.), 1994
The Honest to God Debate: Some Reactions to the Book 'Honest to God'
David L. Edwards, 1963