انتشارات Sense Publishers

Model-Centered Learning: Pathways to Mathematical Understanding Using GeoGebra
Lingguo Bu, Robert Schoen (Editors), 2011
Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research
Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh, 2011
Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research
Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh, 2011
A Cultural-Historical Perspective on Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Wolff-Michael Roth, Luis Radford, 2011
A Cultural-Historical Perspective on Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Wolff-Michael Roth, Luis Radford, 2011
Social constructionism in vocational psychology and career development
Peter McIlveen; Donna EPalladino Schultheiss, 2012
Emerging Challenges and Trends in TVET in the Asia-Pacific Region
Shyamal Majumdar, 2010
Differing Worldviews in Higher Education
Four Arrows, 2010
Differing worldviews in higher education : two scholars argue cooperatively about justice education
Donald Trent Jacobs, 2011
Higher Education and Human Capital: Re/thinking the Doctorate in America
David M. Vallejo Pérez (ed.), 2011
Art, Equality and Learning: Pedagogies Against the State
Dennis Atkinson, 2011
Project-Based Writing in Science
Lawrence Baines, 2014
Twenty-First Century Schools
G. MacDonald, 2006
Cold Breezes and Idiot Winds: Patriotic Correctness and the Post-9 11 Assault on Academe
Valerie Scatamburlo-D"Annibale, 2011
The Design and Use of Simulation Computer Games in Education
Brett E. Shelton, 2007
Alternative Forms of Knowing (in) Mathematics: Celebrations of Diversity of Mathematical Practices
Swapna Mukhopadhay (ed.), 2012
First-Person Methods: Toward an Empirical Phenomenology of Experience
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2012
Rigorous Data Analysis: Beyond "Anything Goes"
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2015
Adapting Historical Knowledge Production to the Classroom
P. V Kokkotas, 2010
An Invitation to Critical Mathematics Education
Ole Skovsmose, 2011