انتشارات Shaw Publishing Company

Variation, Change, and Phonological Theory
Frans L. Hinskens, 1997
Variations on Polysynthesis: The Eskaleut Languages
Marc-Antoine Mahieu (Ed.), 2009
Varieties of English in Writing: The Written Word as Linguistic Evidence
Prof. Dr. Raymond Hickey (editor), 2010
Varieties of Questions in English Conversation
Elizabeth G. Weber, 1993
Vocabulary Knowledge: Human ratings and automated measures
Scott Jarvis, 2013
Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic
Axel Holvoet, 2015
Voice and Grammatical Relations: In Honor of Masayoshi Shibatani
Tasaku Tsunoda (Ed.), 2006
Voice: Form and Function
Barbara A. Fox (Ed.), 1994
Weak referentiality
Ana Aguilar-Guevara, 2014
Western Histories of Linguistic Thought: An Annotated Chronological Bibliography, 1822-1976
E. F. K. Koerner, 1978
What Do We Talk About When We Talk?: Speculative Grammar and the Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus
Johan van der Auwera, 1981
Where do nouns come from?
John B. Haviland, 2015
Whose German?: The ach/ich Alternation and Related Phenomena in ‘Standard’ and ‘Colloquial’
Orrin W. Robinson, 2001
Whose Language?: A Study in the Linguistic Pragmatics
Jacob L. Mey, 1985
Women, Feminist Identity and Society in the 1980s: Selected Papers
Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz, 1985
163 Word Formation in South American Languages
Swintha Danielsen, 2014
Word Order Change in Icelandic: From OV to VO
Thorbjörg Hróarsdóttir, 2001
Types of Variation: Diachronic, Dialectal and Typological Interfaces
Terttu Nevalainen (Ed.), 2006
Typological Studies in Negation
Peter Kahrel (Ed.), 1994
Typological Studies in Negation
Peter Kahrel (Ed.), 1994
Typology of Resultative Constructions
Vladimir P. Nedjalkov (Ed.), 1988
Typology of Writing Systems
Susanne R. Borgwaldt, 2013