انتشارات Slavica Publishers Inc.

Party Opposition to Stalin (1930-1932) and the First Moscow Trial
Pierre Broué, 1990
Dubitando: Studies in History and Culture in Honor of Donald Ostrowski
Brian J. Boeck, Russel E. Martin, Daniel Rowland (eds.), 2012
Russia's Home Front in War and Revolution, 1914-22: Book 3. National Disintegration
Mark Harrison; Andrei Markevich; Mark Lawrence Schrad;Anthony J. Heywood; Brandon C. Schneider; Andrey M; Christopher Read; Peter Waldron; Adele Lindenmeyr, 2018
Russia's Home Front in War and Revolution, 1914-22: Book 2. The Experience of War and Revolution
Adele Lindenmeyr; Christopher Read; Peter Waldron, 2016
Russia's Great War and Revolution in the Far East: Re-Imagining the Northeast Asian Theater, 1914-22
David Wolff; Shinji Yokote; Willard Sunderland, 2018
Russia's Home Front in War and Revolution, 1914-22: Book 4. Reintegration — The Struggle for the State
Christopher Read; Peter Waldron; Adele Lindenmeyr, 2018
Ten Days That Shook the World
John Reed; William Benton Whisenhunt, 2017
Through the Russian Revolution
Albert Rhys Williams; William Benton Whisenhunt, 2016
Russian People: Revolutionary Recollections
Julia Dent Grant Cantacuzène Spéransky; Norman E Saul, 2016
The Village: Russian Impressions
Ernest Poole, 2017
The Jewish Worker in Russia
Jacob Lestschinsky, 2018
The New Muscovite Cultural History: A Collection In Honor Of Daniel B. Rowland
Valerie A. Kivelson; Karen Petrone; Nancy Shields Kollmann; Michael S. Flier, 2010
The Mensheviks In The Revolution Of 1917
John D. Basil, 1984
First Year Polish
Oscar E. Swan, 1983