انتشارات Society For Industrial And Applied Mathematics :,

Conjugate duality and optimization
RTyrrell Rockafellar, 1987
Continuum modeling in the physical sciences
E. van Groesen, 2007
Continuum Modeling in the Physical Sciences
E. van Groesen, 2007
Control and estimation in distributed parameter systems
H. T. Banks, 1987
Control perspectives on numerical algorithms and matrix problems
Eugenius Kaszkurewicz Amit Bhaya, 2006
Control perspectives on numerical algorithms and matrix problems
Eugenius Kaszkurewicz Amit Bhaya, 2006
Control perspectives on numerical algorithms and matrix problems
Eugenius Kaszkurewicz Amit Bhaya, 2006
Curve and surface design
Hans Hagen, 1992
Curve and surface design
Hans Hagen, 1992
Curve and Surface Design
Hans Hagen, 1992
Curve and Surface Design (Geometric Design Publications)
Hans Hagen, 1992
Introduction to numerical continuation methods
Eugene L. Allgower, 1987
Introduction to numerical continuation methods
Eugene L. Allgower, 1987
Introduction to Numerical Continuation Methods
Eugene L. Allgower, 1987
Mathematical aspects of numerical grid generation
José E. Castillo, 1987
Mathematical aspects of numerical grid generation
José E. Castillo, 1987
Mathematical aspects of numerical grid generation
José E. Castillo, 1987
Mathematical Aspects of Numerical Grid Generation
José E. Castillo, 1987
Introduction to matrix analytic methods in stochastic modeling
G. Latouche, 1987