انتشارات Society For Industrial And Applied Mathematics :,

Research directions in distributed parameter systems
Ralph C. Smith, 1987
Iterative methods for sparse linear systems
Yousef Saad, 2003
Iterative methods for sparse linear systems
Yousef Saad, 2003
Iterative methods for sparse linear systems
Yousef Saad, 2003
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Second Edition
Yousef Saad, 2003
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Second Edition
Yousef Saad, 2000
Vortex methods and vortex motion
Karl E Gustafson, 1991
Wavelets and their applications: case studies
Mei Kobayashi, 1987
Wavelets: a mathematical tool for signal processing
Charles K. Chui, 1997
Understanding And Implementing the Finite Element Method
Mark S. Gockenbach, 2006
Understanding and implementing the finite element method
Mark S. Gockenbach, 2006
Time series: data analysis and theory
David R. Brillinger, 2001
Topics in finite elasticity
Morton E. Gurtin, 1987
Topics in finite elasticity
Morton E. Gurtin, 1987
Topics in Finite Elasticity
Morton E. Gurtin, 1987
Topics in surface modeling
Hans Hagen, 1987
Topics in surface modeling
Hans Hagen, 1987
Trust-region methods
Andrew R. Conn, 1987
Trust-region methods
Andrew R. Conn, 1987
Trust-region methods
Andrew R. Conn, 1987
The structural representation of proximity matrices with MATLAB
Lawrence Hubert, 2006
The structural representation of proximity matrices with MATLAB
Lawrence Hubert, 2006