انتشارات Society Of Biblical Literature

"Have You Seen, Son of Man?": A Study of the Translation and Vorlage of LXX Ezekiel 40-48
Daniel M. O'Hare, 2010
Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation
Faust, Avraham, 2012
Ancient Fiction: The Matrix of Early Christian And Jewish Narrative
et al Jo-Ann A. Brant (Editor), 2005
Adam and Eve in the Armenian Traditions, Fifth Through Seventeenth Centuries
Michael E. Stone, 2013
Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Abraham
Michael E. Stone, 2012
Matthew J. Goff, 2013
A User's Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament
David Trobisch, 2013
The Philistines and Other Sea Peoples in Text and Archaeology
Killebrew, Ann E.; Lehmann, Gunnar, 2013
'What Is John?'': Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel (SBL Symposium Series, No 3)
Fernando F. Segovia, 1996
''Have You Seen, Son of Man?'': A Study of the Translation and Vorlage of LXX Ezekiel 40-48
Daniel M. O'Hare, 2010
Semeia 68: Honor and Shame in the World of the Bible
Victor H. Matthews, Don C. Benjamin (eds.), 1994
The Text of the Fourth Gospel in the Writings of Origen – Volume One
Bart D. Ehrman, Gordon D. Fee, Michael W. Holmes, 1992
I Esdras: from origin to translation
Zipora Talshir, 1999
Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students (SBL Resources for Biblical Study 44)
David L. Barr (ed.), 2003
A Pseudo-Epiphanius Testimony Book (Early Christian literature series)
Robert V. Hotchkiss, 1974
Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: An Introduction
Alan Lenzi (editor), 2011
4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Jeremiou) (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
Jens Herzer, 2005
4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Jeremiou) (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
Jens Herzer, 2005