انتشارات Soho Press, Inc.

Natural and Induced Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity. Effector and Regulatory Mechanisms
G. Reithmuller, 1979
Mathematical Software
John R. Rice, 1971
Mathematics for Stability and Optimization of Economic Systems
Yasuo Murata, 1977
Measure, Integration, and Functional Analysis
Robert B. Ash (Auth.), 1972
Nonlinear Systems and Applications. An International Conference
V. Lakshmikantham, 1977
Nucleotide Metabolism. An Introduction
J. Frank Henderson, 1973
Optimal Control of Differential and Functional Equations
J. Warga (Auth.), 1972
Teaching of Statistics and Statistical Consulting
Jagdish S. Rustagi, 1982
Synthetic Peptides. Volume 3
George R. Pettit (Auth.), 1975
Studies in Topology
Nick M. Stavrakas, 1975
Surveys in Applied Mathematics. Essays Dedicated to S.M. Ulam
N. Metropolis, 1976
Metric Affine Geometry
Ernst Snapper and Robert J. Troyer (Auth.), 1971
Theories of Probability. An Examination of Foundations
Terrence L. Fine, 1973
Advanced Differential Equations
Youssef Raffoul, 2022
The Daring Coast Guard Rescue of the Pendleton Crew
Theresa Mitchell Barbo,W. Russell Webster,Julia Marshall, 2013
The Fractal Physical Chemistry of Polymer Solutions and Melts
GV Kozlov, 2013
Project health assessment
Paul S Royer, 2014
Aboard the Fabre Line to Providence. Immigration to Rhode Island
Patrick T. Conley, 2013
Abolition and the Underground Railroad in Vermont
Michelle Sherburne, 2013
Semimartingale Theory and Stochastic Calculus
Sheng-wu He, 1992
For the Love of Texas. Tell Me about the Colonists!
Betsy Christian, 2013