انتشارات Speechmark Publishing Ltd

Developing Baseline Communication Skills
Catherine Delamain, Jill Spring, 2000
Autism: A Social Skills Approach for Children and Adolescents
Maureen Aarons, Tessa Gittens, 1998
Anger Control Training (v. 1)
Emma Williams, Rebecca Barlow, 1998
Anger Control Training (v. 2)
Emma Williams, Rebecca Barlow, 1998
Anger Control Training (v. 3)
Emma Williams, Rebecca Barlow, 1998
Working with Oral Cancer
Julia Appleton, 1995
Creative Relaxation in Groupwork
Irene Tubbs, 1996
Working with Dysphonics
Stephanie Martin, 1987
The Relaxation Therapy Manual
Christine Heron, 1996
Stephanie Holland, 1991
Early Sensory Skills (Early Skills)
Jackie Cookie, 1996
Group Work with the Elderly
Mike Bender, 1987
Head Injury
Trevor Powell, 1994
Parent-based Intervention: A Group Approach for Language-delayed Children
Deborah Gibbard, 1998
Problem Behaviour and Care Of Elderly People
Tessa Perrin, 1997
The Dysfluency Resource Book
Jackie Turnbull, 1999
The Manual of Paediatric Feeding Practice
Arlene McCurtin, 1997
The Mental Health Handbook
Trevor J. Powell, 1992
The Practical Management of Eating and Drinking Difficulties in Children
April Winstock, 1994
The Social Skills Handbook
Sue Hutchings, 1991
Therapeutic Activities for the Upper Limb
Deborah Mills, 1989
Working with Dementia
Fiona Goudie, 1990