انتشارات Spon Press, Taylor

Curing concrete
Peter C Taylor
Data governance : creating value from information assets
Neera Bhansali
Design and control of automotive propulsion systems
Zongxuan Sun, 2014
Designing Complex Products with Systems Engineering Processes and Techniques
Vivek D Bhise, 2013
Dictionary of nutraceuticals and functional foods - Результат из Google Книги
Michael Eskin, 2006
Dietary Fiber and Health
Sungsoo Cho, 2012
Diffractive Nanophotonics
VA Soĭfer, 2014
Ambient diagnostics
Yang Cai, 2013
Handbook of aseptic processing and packaging
Jairus RD David, 2012
Handbook of Charged Particle Optics
Jon Orloff, 2009
Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume 2
HJS Fernando, 2012
Handbook of Hydrogen Energy
SA Sherif, 2014
Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics
Corey P Neu, 2014
Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics
Corey P Neu, 2014
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Bacteriology, Second Edition
Axel Kornerup Hansen, 2014
Handbook of Optical Interconnects
Kawai Sh. (Ed), 2005
Handbook of pediatric obesity : etiology, pathophysiology, and prevention
Michael I Goran, 2005
Handbook of Phase Change: Boiling and Condensation
Daryl S. Paulson, 1999
Geomathematically oriented potential theory
Freeden, W., 2013
Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping
Ernesto Villaescusa, 2014