انتشارات Spon Press (elsevier)

Principles of Induced Polarization for Geophysical Exploration
J.S. SUMNER (Eds.), 1976
Semiconducting Ore Minerals
R.T. SHUEY (Eds.), 1975
W-Sn Skarn Deposits and Related Metamorphic Skarns and Granitoids
T.A.P. Kwak (Eds.), 1987
World Mineral Supplies: Assessment and perspective
G.J.S. GOVETT and M.H. GOVETT (Eds.), 1976
Mechanics of Materials and Structures
George Z. Voyiadjis, Lawrence C. Bank and Laurence J. Jacob (Eds.), 1994
Igneous Petrology
CHARLES J. HUGHES (Eds.), 1982
J. KORNPROBST (Eds.), 1984
Layered Intrusions
Richard Grant Cawthorn (Eds.), 1996
Numerical Petrology
R.W. LE MAITRE (Eds.), 1982
Petrology of the Ocean Floor
R. Hekinian (Eds.), 1982
Shale-Slate Metamorphism in Southern Appalachians
CHARLES E. WEAVER (Eds.), 1984
Trondhjemites, Dacites, and Related Rocks
F. BARKER (Eds.), 1979
Algebra and Trigonometry
Harley Flanders and Justin J. Price (Auth.), 1975
Introduction to algebra and trigonometry
Bernard Kolman; Arnold Shapiro, 1981
Study Guide for College Algebra and Trigonometry
James W. Snow, Bernard Kolman and Arnold Shapiro (Auth.), 1981
Multiple Criteria Analysis for Agricultural Decisions
Carlos Romero and Tahir Rehman (Eds.), 2003
Soil Dynamics and Liquefaction
A.S. CAKMAK (Eds.), 1987
Constitutive Equations for Engineering Materials: Elasticity and Modeling
Wai-Fah Chen and Atef F. Saleeb (Eds.), 1994
Theory of Plasticity and Limit Design of Plates
Zdeněk Sobotka (Eds.), 1989
Active power line conditioners : design, simulation and implementation for improving power quality
Litrán, Salvador Pérez; Revuelta, Patricio Salmeron; Thomas, Jaime Prieto, 2016
Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, II
A.A. Kaufman, A.L. Levshin and K.L. Larner (Eds.), 2002
Architecture, technology, and process
Chris Abel
Advances in Cancer Research, Vol. 49
George Klein (ed.), Sidney Weinhouse (ed.), 1987
Biogeochemical Processes at The Land-Sea Boundary
Pierre Lasserre and Jean-Marie Martin (Eds.), 1986