انتشارات Springer, Birkhauser

Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance
Chedly Abdelly, Chedly Abdelly, Münir Öztürk, Muhammad Ashraf, Claude Grignon, 2008
An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry
Smith, 2004
A source book in matroid theory
Joseph P. S. Kung, 1986
Modern differential geometry in gauge theories
Anastasios Mallios, 2010
Holomorphic functions in the plane and n-dimensional space
Klaus Gürlebeck, 2008
The legacy of Mario Pieri in geometry and arithmetic
Elena Anne Marchisotto, 2007
Elementary Functions. Algorithms and Implementation
Jean-Michel Muller, 2016
Folkmar Bornemann, 2016
Analytical Biotechnology
Thomas G.M. Schalkhammer, 2002
Number Theory An Introduction via the Density of Primes
Benjamin Fine, 2016
Eulerian Numbers
T. Kyle Petersen, 2015
Essential Linear Algebra with Applications: A Problem-Solving Approach
Titu Andreescu, 2014
Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry: The Unpublished Manuscripts
De Risi, Vincenzo; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 2016
Condenser Capacities and Symmetrization in Geometric Function Theory
Vladimir N. Dubinin, Nikolai G. Kruzhilin, 2014
Analysis and Topology in Nonlinear Differential Equations: A Tribute to Bernhard Ruf on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
Djairo G de Figueiredo, João Marcos do Ó, Carlos Tomei(eds.), 2014
Lectures on Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Initial Value Problems
Reinhard Racke, 2015
Nonlinear Analysis: Approximation Theory, Optimization and Applications
Qamrul Hasan Ansari(eds.), 2014
Operator Semigroups Meet Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Arendt, Wolfgang; Chill, Ralph; Tomilov, Yuriy(eds.), 2015
Lobachevsky Geometry and Modern Nonlinear Problems
Iacob, Andrei; Popov, Andrej Gennad'evič, 2014
A Tale of Two Fractals
Kirillov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 2013
Towards a General Theory of Classifications
Daniel Parrochia, Pierre Neuville, 2013
Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications: In Honor of Nolan R. Wallach
Roger Howe, Markus Hunziker, Jeb F. Willenbring(eds.), 2014
Decay of the Fourier Transform: Analytic and Geometric Aspects
Iosevich, Alexander; Liflyand, Elijah, 2014