انتشارات Springer Netherlands

10 Years Plant Molecular Biology
Cris Kuhlemeier (auth.), Robbert A. Schilperoort, Leon Dure (eds.), 1992
Abstraction and Representation: Essays on the Cultural Evolution of Thinking
Peter Damerow (auth.), 1996
Abiotic stress tolerance in plants
Abiotic Stresses in Plants
A. Leone, C. Perrotta, B. Maresca (auth.), Luigi Sanità di Toppi, Barbara Pawlik-Skowrońska (eds.), 2003
Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Volume II: Diagnosis and Management
L. J. Marais (auth.), S. A. M. H. Naqvi (eds.), 2004
Field Manual of Diseases on Fruits and Vegetables
R. Kenneth Horst (auth.), 2013
Field manual of diseases on fruits and vegetables
R. Kenneth Horst (auth.), 2013
Fruit and Vegetable Diseases
C. Chatterjee, B. K. Dube (auth.), K. G. Mukerji (eds.), 2004
Identification of Vegetable Fibres
Dorothy Catling, John Grayson (auth.), 1982
Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes
Anwar L. Bilgrami (auth.), A. Ciancio, K. G. Mukerji (eds.), 2007
Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes
Anwar L. Bilgrami (auth.), A. Ciancio, K. G. Mukerji (eds.), 2007
Accounting for Climate Change: Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories — Verification, Compliance, and Trading
Daniel Lieberman, Matthias Jonas, Wilfried Winiwarter (auth.), Daniel Lieberman, Matthias Jonas, Zbigniew Nahorski, Sten Nilsson (eds.), 2007
Advances in the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: International Approaches to Reduce Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions
B.D. Belan, A.V. Fofonov, T.K. Sklyadneva, G.N. Tolmachev (auth.), S. Lombardi, L.K. Altunina, S.E. Beaubien (eds.), 2006
Assessing and Managing Earthquake Risk: Geo-scientific and Engineering Knowledge for Earthquake Risk Mitigation: developments, tools, techniques
C. S. Oliveira, A. Roca, X. Goula (auth.), Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Antoni Roca, Xavier Goula (eds.), 2006
Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement
Jinchun Chai, John P. Carter (auth.), 2011
Earthquake Data in Engineering Seismology: Predictive Models, Data Management and Networks
D.M. Boore (auth.), Sinan Akkar, Polat Gülkan, Torild van Eck (eds.), 2011
Earthquake Engineering in Europe
T.P. Tassios (auth.), Mihail Garevski, Atilla Ansal (eds.), 2010
Field Manual of Diseases on Garden and Greenhouse Flowers
R. Kenneth Horst (auth.), 2013
Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Dealing With Uncertainty
Matthias Jonas, Zbigniew Nahorski, Sten Nilsson, Thomas Whiter (eds.), 2011
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
Jayant Sathaye, Stephen Meyers (auth.), 1995
Image: An Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect
Jan Rotmans (auth.), 1990
Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops
M. Lodovica Gullino, Ramon Albajes, Joop C. van Lenteren (auth.), R. Albajes, M. Lodovica Gullino, J. C. van Lenteren, Y. Elad (eds.), 2002
Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops
M. Lodovica Gullino, Ramon Albajes, Joop C. van Lenteren (auth.), R. Albajes, M. Lodovica Gullino, J. C. van Lenteren, Y. Elad (eds.), 2002
Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control and Implementation: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 8–10 September 1999
Donald J. Wuebbles, Katharine Hayhoe (auth.), J. van Ham, A. P. M. Baede, L. A. Meyer, R. Ybema (eds.), 2000