انتشارات Springer New York

Compiler Construction
William M. Waite, Gerhard Goos (auth.), 1984
Modern compiler design
Dick Grune, Kees van Reeuwijk, Henri E. Bal, Ceriel J.H. Jacobs, Koen Langendoen (auth.), 2012
Counterterrorism and cybersecurity: total information awareness
Newton Lee (auth.), 2013
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: With Maple™
Jonathan M. Borwein, Matthew P. Skerritt (auth.), 2011
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: With Maple™
Jonathan M. Borwein, Matthew P. Skerritt (auth.), 2011
Classical Mechanics with Maple
Ronald L. Greene Ph.D (auth.), 1995
Differential Equations: Theory and Applications: with Maple®
David Betounes (auth.), 2001
Digital Signal Processing for Medical Imaging Using Matlab
E.S. Gopi (auth.), 2013
Discovering Curves and Surfaces with Maple®
Grażyna Klimek, Maciej Klimek (auth.), 1997
Essential Maple: An Introduction for Scientific Programmers
Robert M. Corless (auth.), 1995
Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB
James Ramsay, Giles Hooker, Spencer Graves (auth.), 2009
Ecosystem geography: from ecoregions to sites
Robert G. Bailey (auth.), 2009
Clinical Care Pathways in Andrology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Hermann Schenck, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugen Schmidtmann, Dr.-Ing. Peter Emrich (auth.), 2014
Electrochemical Nanotechnologies
Tetsuya Osaka (auth.), Tetsuya Osaka, Madhav Datta, Yosi Shacham-Diamand (eds.), 2010
Electrochemical Nanotechnologies
Tetsuya Osaka (auth.), Tetsuya Osaka, Madhav Datta, Yosi Shacham-Diamand (eds.), 2010
A Glossary of Anesthesia and Related Terminology
Sanford L. Klein DDS, MD (auth.), 1993
Adaptive Control, Filtering, and Signal Processing
Karl J. ÅStröM (auth.), K. J. Åström, G. C. Goodwin, P. R. Kumar (eds.), 1995
A Student's Guide Through the Great Physics Texts: Volume II: Space, Time and Motion
Kerry Kuehn (auth.), 2015
Wireless Power Transfer for Medical Microsystems
Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Zhihua Wang (auth.), 2013
A Spectroscopic Atlas of Bright Stars: A Pocket Field Guide
Jack Martin (auth.), 2010
Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age: Finding Parts, Getting Help, and More
Robert L. Clark (auth.), 2011
Asteroids and Dwarf Planets and How to Observe Them
Roger Dymock (auth.), 2010
Astronomers Anonymous: Getting Help with the Puzzles and Pitfalls of Practical Astronomy
Steve Ringwood (auth.), 2010