انتشارات Springer Pub Co

Water and the Search for Life on Mars
David M. Harland, 2005
Handbook of Ellipsometry
Harland Tompkins, 2005
Osteoporosis : clinical guidelines for prevention, diagnosis, and management
Sarah Hall Gueldner, 2008
IQ testing 101
Alan S Kaufman, 2009
Grief counseling and grief therapy : a handbook for the mental health practitioner
JWilliam Worden, 2009
The handbook of sidescan sonar
Philippe Blondel, 2009
The handbook of stress science : biology, psychology, and health
Richard J Contrada, 2011
Handbook of forensic neuropsychology
Arthur MacNeill Horton, 2010
Psychological Interventions in Times of Crisis
Laura Barbanel EdDABPP, 2006
Pioneers of personality science : autobiographical perspectives
Kinder, Bill N., 2006
Encyclopedia of aging
Richard Schulz, 2006
Coping skills manual for treating chronic and terminal illness
Kenneth Sharoff, 2004
Popular Culture in Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Play-Based Intervention
Lawrence C. Rubin, 2008
Home health care provider : a guide to essential skills
Emily Prieto, 2008
Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States , 9th Edition
Anthony R. Kovner, 2008
Workbook to accompany ending spouse/partner abuse : a psychoeducational approach for individuals and couples
Geffner, Robert; Mantooth, Carol, 2000
Women's Therapy Groups: Paradigms of Feminist Treatment (Springer Series: Focus on Women)
Claire M. Brody (editor), 1987
Women over forty : visions and realities
Jean Dresden Grambs, 1989
Internalized Oppression: The Psychology of Marginalized Groups
Ph.d. David, E. J. R. (editor), 2013
Spousal bereavement in late life
Wortman, Camille B.; Carr, Deborah S.; Nesse, Randolph M., 2006
Boston studies in the philosophy of science
Marx W. Wartofsky ; Robert S. Cohen, 1969
The person with HIV/AIDS : nursing perspectives
Felissa R. Lashley; Jerry D. Durham, 2010